Particles sensors for civil nuclear power

From calculations to prototypes conception, SiClade Technologies offers its expertise in detection of radioactive particles, rapid or thermal neutrons, gamma rays … SiClade Technologies has a solid experience in calculations and simulations, but also in realization of sensors operative in harsh environment.

Currently, SiClade Technologies focuses on a new major research axis: tritium betavoltaic detection for nuclear safety of new fusion reactors, and for some fission reactors dismantling such as CANDU reactors.

Neutrons detection

Neutron detection is a key element for nuclear power plants. In fission reactors, it gives crucial information to optimize neutronic efficiency. In fusion reactors, the produced neutrons get away from core, and their external dosimetry thus allow to precisely know the fusion reaction state.

To quantify the neutrons emitted during reactor functioning, the major difficulty is to employ a detection material that is operational, reproducible and sustainable in an extremely high and radiative environment. To that purpose, we are developing fast neutron sensors in SiC, operational under extreme temperature and irradiation conditions.

Based on anterior works with IM2NP during European project I_Smart, SiClade Technologies realizes now multipixel sensors that propose a particle selectivity in real time, in harsh environment.

Cuve d'un réacteur de fission (source : J.-F. Noal, LinkedIn).
Fission reactor vessel (source: J.-F. Noal, LinkedIn).
KERos_00A sensor in front of 14 MeV neutrons LINAC.

Tritium dosimetry

Tritium, basis functioning of ITER and secondary rejection of heavy water reactors, constitutes and important nuclear safety issue, because of its ability to replace protium in water and biological chain. Since 2022, our company develops a fast, simple and non-destructive method to detect tritium, with real-time tracking. It is based on detection of beta particles, emitted during spontaneous tritium decay, using SiC diodes.

In a academic A*MIDEX project coupled to CNRS pre-maturation project, SiClade Technologies develops several sensors. In addition to the particular structures of these wide-bandgap semiconductors, SiClade Technologies, in partnership with associated laboratories, has realized a nomad suitcase KΩSmΩs able to realize in operando tritium detection, and offering a signal control with respect to unintentional external perturbations.

=>  Associated patent:

Vue en coupe du tokamak ITER (source :
Sectional view of ITER tokamak (source:
CANDU reactor (source: Atomic Energy of Canada).
Nomad suitcase KΩSmΩs for weak energies beta particles detection.